In the United States, the terms COLLEGE and UNIVERSITY are used fairly interchangeably. A College generally focuses on undergraduate education while a University will offer graduate degrees and promote research.
In addition to the internet and book resources, there are a number of ways to learn about the U.S. higher education system and to research specific colleges and universities. Every fall, the Fulbright Foundation hosts a College Fair that over fifty U.S. colleges attend. Admission is free of charge. The event offers students a chance to talk to U.S. college representatives and to Greek alumni and to gather materials on a number of schools. In past years, Columbia University, Davidson College, Northeastern University, Parsons, SCAD, UC Riverside, and Vassar College were among the participants.
If you are able to travel to the U.S., you might want to plan your visit around one of the National College Fairs or National Performing & Visual Arts College Fairs organized by the National Association of College Admission Counselors. Many European Universities visit high schools and conduct mini-fairs throughout the year. There is an annual Education UK Exhibition run by the British Council. Another great resource is the Netherlands embassy’s Education Fair of Dutch Universities.
Vist the institutional websites to schedule in-person college visits or virtual tours and information sessions.
Colleges and Universities Visited
- Aberystwyth University (Wales, UK)
- American University (Washington, DC)
- American University of Paris (Paris, France)
- American University of Rome (Rome, Italy)
- Amherst College (MA)
- Babson College (MA)
- Bangor University (Wales, UK)
- Bard College (NY)
- Barnard College (NY)
- Bentley University (MA)
- Boston College (MA)
- Boston University (MA)
- Brandeis University (MA)
- Brown University (RI)
- Bryn Mawr College (PA)
- Bucknell University (PA)
- Ca’Foscari, University of Venice (Venice, Italy)
- Cabrini College (PA)
- California Institute of Technology (CA)
- Cardiff Metropolitan University (Wales, UK)
- Cardiff University (Wales, UK)
- Central Saint Martins (London, UK)
- City University (London, UK)
- Claremont McKenna College (CA)
- Clark University (MA)
- College of the Atlantic (ME)
- College of the Holy Cross (MA)
- Colorado College (CO)
- Colorado School of Mines (CO)
- Columbia College Chicago (IL)
- Columbia University (NY)
- Connecticut College (CT)
- Davidson College (NC)
- DePaul University (IL)
- Deree: American College of Greece (Athens, Greece)
- Drew University (NJ)
- Drexel University (PA)
- Duke University (NC)
- Eastern University (PA)
- ECAL: Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne (Switzerland)
- Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (Switzerland)
- Ecole polytechnique Paris (Paris, France)
- EDHEC (Paris, France)
- Elon University (NC)
- Emerson College (MA)
- Emmanuel College (MA)
- EPFL: École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Erasmus University (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
- Erasmus University College (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
- Franklin & Marshall College (PA)
- George Washington University (Washington, DC)
- Georgetown University (Washington, DC)
- Gettysburg College (PA)
- Glyndwr University (Wales, UK)
- Guilford College (NC)
- H-Farm College (Roncade, Italy)
- Hampshire College (MA)
- Harvard University (MA)
- Harvey Mudd College (CA)
- Haverford College (PA)
- Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management (TX)
- Houston, University of (TX)
- HZ University of Applied Sciences (Vlissingen, The Netherlands)
- IESEG (Paris, France)
- IE University Madrid (Madrid, Spain)
- IE University Segovia (Segovia, Spain)
- Imperial College London, UK
- INSEAD (Fontainebleau, France)
- James Madison University (VA)
- John Cabot University (Rome, Italy)
- KABK: The Royal Academy of Art (The Hague, The Netherlands)
- King’s College London (London, UK)
- La Sapienza, University of Rome (Rome, Italy)
- Lafayette College (PA)
- Lehigh University (PA)
- Leiden University (Leiden, The Netherlands)
- Leiden University College (The Hague, The Netherlands)
- Lindenwood University (MO)
- Loughborough University, UK
- Loyola Marymont College (CA)
- Loyola University Chicago (IL)
- LSE London School of Economics and Political Science (UK)
- Luiss University (Rome, Italy)
- Lynchburg College (VA)
- Maastricht University (The Netherlands)
- Marist College (NY)
- Marist College (Florence, Italy)
- Mary Baldwin College (VA)
- Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MA)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA)
- Middlebury College (VT)
- Mount Holyoke College (MA)
- Muhlenberg College (PA)
- Naropa University (CO)
- Navarra, University of (Pamplona, Spain)
- New York College (Athens, Greece)
- New York University (NY)
- NYU Villa La Pietra (Florence, Italy)
- Northeastern University (MA)
- Northwestern University (IL)
- Occidental College (CA)
- Parsons Paris: The New School for Design (Paris, France)
- Penn: University of Pennsylvania (PA)
- Pitzer College (CA)
- Polimoda (Florence, Italy)
- Pomona College (CA)
- Princeton University (NJ)
- Providence College (RI)
- Queen Mary University of London (London, UK)
- Queen’s University Belfast (Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK)
- Quinnipiac University (CT)
- Radboud University (Radboud, The Netherlands)
- RADA Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (London, UK)
- Radford University (VA)
- Randolph College (VA)
- Regent’s American College (London, UK)
- Rhode Island School of Design (RI)
- Rice University (TX)
- Richmond, The American International University in London (London, UK)
- Rosemont College (PA)
- Royal Veterinary College (London, UK)
- Salve Regina University (RI)
- Sarah Lawrence College (NY)
- School of the Art Institute of Chicago (IL)
- Schreiner University (TX)
- Sciences Po (Paris, France)
- Scripps College (CA)
- Simmons College (MA)
- Smith College (MA)
- SOAS School of Oriental and African Studies (London, UK)
- St. Edward’s University (TX)
- St. John’s College (MD)
- St John’s University (Rome)
- St. Louis University (MO)
- St. Louis University Madrid (Madrid, Spain)
- Swansea University (Wales, UK)
- Swarthmore College (PA)
- Sweet Briar College (VA)
- Temple University (Rome)
- Texas A & M University (TX)
- Tilburg University (Tilburg, The Netherlands)
- Trinity College (CT)
- Trinity College Dublin (Dublin, Republic of Ireland)
- Trinity University (TX)
- Tufts Universtiy (MA)
- U.S. Air Force Academy (CO)
- Union College (NY)
- United States Naval Academy (MD)
- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Madrid, Spain)
- Universidad CEU San Pablo (Madrid, Spain)
- Universidad Complutense Madrid (Madrid, Spain)
- Università Bocconi (Milan, Italy)
- Université de Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland)
- University College Groningen (Groningen, The Netherlands)
- University College London (UK)
- University College Maastricht (Maastricht, The Netherlands)
- University College Roosevelt (Middleburg, The Netherlands)
- University College Utrecht (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
- University of Bath, UK
- University of Bristol, UK
- University of California — Los Angeles (CA)
- University of California — San Diego (CA)
- University of Cambridge (UK)
- University of Chicago (IL)
- University of Colorado – Anschutz Medical (CO)
- University of Colorado – Boulder (CO)
- University of Colorado – Denver (CO)
- University of Denver (CO)
- University of Edinburgh, (Scotland)
- University of Glasgow (Scotland)
- University of Groningen (Groningen, The Netherlands)
- University of Massachusetts -Boston (MA)
- University of Massachusetts-Amherst (MA)
- University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (NC)
- University of Southern California (CA)
- University of South Wales (Wales, UK)
- University of St. Andrews (St. Andrews, Scotland)
- University of Strathclyde (Scotland)
- The University of Texas at Austin (TX)
- University of Vermont (VT)
- University of Virginia (VA)
- University of Wales Trinity Saint David (Wales, UK)
- University of Warwick, UK
- University of York (UK)
- Ursinus College (PA)
- Vassar College (NY)
- Villanova University (PA)
- Virginia Military Institute (VA)
- Virginia Tech (VA)
- Wake Forest University (NC)
- Washington and Lee University (VA)
- Washington University in St. Louis (MO)
- Webster University (MO)
- Wentworth Institute of Technology (MA)
- Wesleyan University (CT)
- Wheaton College (MA)
- Wheelock College (MA)
- Windesheim Honours College (Zwolle, The Netherlands)
- Worcester Polytechnical Institute (MA)
- Yale University (CT)